Aspire case studies
Thousands of schools are learning about their performance and improving outcomes with FFT Aspire
“Aspire Pupil Tracking is saving us all huge amounts of time. We’re also finding that the teachers themselves have been able to take control of their own classes and information which has made things much easier."
St Luke’s Primary School use FFT Aspire Pupil Tracking alongside FFT Aspire as part of their focus on educating the whole child. The school strives to create a culture of constant improvement, and work to better understand the strengths of their children.
We spoke with Senior Assessment Leader Dean Scott, to find out how the school is using Aspire Pupil Tracking.
“FFT Aspire provides governors with visual, clear and easy-to-understand analysis and a way to verify self-evaluation.”
Bacup Holy Trinity Stacksteads Primary School is a larger-than-average size primary school in Lancashire.
Headteacher John Aspin explains how he uses Aspire at governing, management and subject-leader levels, and why he would recommend it to other schools.
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"For the last three years we have focused our data use and during this time our progress from Key Stage 1 has massively improved."
Robin Hood Primary School comprises of 500 pupils and is situated in the city of Nottingham. Approximately 48% of their pupils receive the Pupil Premium.
Deputy Headteacher Nicky Bridges, explains how FFT Aspire helps understand pupil backgrounds.
“We use FFT Aspire for useful benchmarking against similar schools, and we can compare our performance with different groups of children.”
The Bridges Federation is made up of two schools: Snowsfields and Tower Bridge. The Federation was formed in February 2014 and became a permanent partnership in September 2015.
Head of School, Sarah Manley, explains how access to FFT Aspire helps the school to compare the data more widely.
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“With Aspire you can drill down through the data, then think about how you might use that to drive forward improvement for the future of the school and its pupils.”
Matthew Arnold School is a secondary situated in Oxford.
Assistant Head, Andrew Webster, explains how being able to compare similar schools, helps drive forward improvement.
“It was easy to set up and provides excellent information, and the website is quick and visually appealing.”
Gillotts is rated as good by Ofsted and has used FFT Aspire for many years.
Heather Evans, Data Management Officer, explains how they use the target setting functionality.
“The leadership team and teachers all use Aspire to set targets, continually analyse performance and discuss next steps in school improvement.”
St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary, Sheffield, is a smaller-than-average primary school in Sheffield. It became a voluntary academy in October 2012 and is rated as outstanding.
Head of School Liam Colclough explains why he subscribes to FFT Aspire.
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“The fact that the data shows what is happening in similar schools, and with pupils of similar prior attainment, is very powerful. ”
Springfield School is mixed ability comprehensive of 1100 pupils, situated in Portsmouth.
Its Assistant Headteacher and Data Manager, Colette Kilgallon, explains why the school uses Aspire.
“It's an extremely efficient tool — the dashboard reports are already there for you and drilling down into the data couldn't be simpler.”
Pegasus Primary School is a small, one form entry school situated on the Castle Vale housing estate, five miles east of Birmingham City centre.
Its new principal, David Shakeshaft, explains why he uses Aspire.