FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad

The leading reading catch-up programme

We are recruiting now for our EEF-funded trial with Years 3 and 4 — get involved today!

Play the introduction

Benefits for schools taking part in the trial

Tutoring with the Lightning Squad home screen

Access to FFT’s reading catch-up which has the potential to improve reading outcomes and enjoyment for reading.

60 copies of FFT's Further Reader texts
Certificates and stickers to celebrate pupil success
High quality CPD for three staff members
Resources to support the delivery of Tutoring with the Lightning Squad sessions


extra access
Access to Tutoring with the Lightning Squad for two additional years after the evaluation.

How the trial works & pricing

Trial start

April 2025



for training and resources. Usual price £1400. Remainder subsidised by EEF.

Trial end

June 2026

Schools receive


at the end of the research period, to recognise their work for the evaluation.

About the trial

A randomised control trial to measure the impact on Years 3 and 4.

All schools will have the opportunity to deliver the intervention. The intervention group will be randomly allocated to either Year 3 or Year 4; the other year group will be the control group.


Pupil selection will begin in the summer term 2025 with assessments and training taking place in the autumn term 2025/26.

Two members of staff will run intervention groups with one school coordinator to oversee the delivery in school.


The intervention will run for 16+ weeks with four or five 30-minute sessions per week.

After the trial

At the end of the research period, schools receive £800 to recognise their work for the evaluation.

Schools can also access Tutoring with the Lightning Squad for two additional years after the evaluation.

Apply to join the trial

About Tutoring with the Lightning Squad

A keep-up and catch-up programme which improves reading skills for pupils in Years 1 to 6

Our approach

We believe that every child has the potential to be a reader and that catch-up support for pupils should begin as soon as possible to ensure the educational achievement gap is closed.

Tutoring with the Lightning Squad is not just about getting pupils to age-related expectations, but building the foundations they need for continued success once the sessions have ended.

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Combined catch-up

That's why our programme is a blended approach, with face-to-face tutoring supported by an online platform and engaging, evidence-based activities to ensure that pupils are not just ticking boxes, but fully engaged readers.

Read about the benefits in the Data Impact Report
Impact report
Case study
How Discovery Primary Academy has been using Tutoring with the Lightning Squad
Case study
Independently reviewed
Independent review published in Teach Primary magazine
Read the review

Take a look

Welcome to FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad

Pupils learn in small groups with a trained member of staff to improve reading skills as they work through over 100 stories.
Move left and right to preview all of the activities!
Tutoring with the Lightning Squad home

Power Reader

Pupils practice reading stories together to improve reading fluency.
Power Reader

Letter Launch

Improve both phonic and phonemic awareness, and the sounds in new words.
Letter Launch

Word Blender

Pupils learn to read new words for each of the stories.
Word Blender

Super Speller

Pupils practice spelling new words.
Super Speller

Word Quest

Pupils will learn new vocabulary and work on cloze activities and definitions.
Word Quest

Story Quest

At the end of each story, pupils will demonstrate what they’ve learned by reading a story and answering comprehension questions.
Story Quest

    How it works

    Tutoring with the Lightning Squad on a laptop


    FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad is a reading catch-up programme where pupils work in small groups with a trained member of staff to improve their reading skills. The programme is a blended approach with face-to-face intervention supported by an online application.
    The activities are designed and structured to improve phonics, decoding, fluency and comprehension. Pupils work through over 100 specially written, engaging and illustrated stories.


    Pupils will work with a trained member of staff for approximately six weeks to catch-up their reading skills with, ideally, daily 30-minute tutoring sessions in school.
    Research has demonstrated that pupils using Tutoring with the Lightning Squad make learning gains of between three and five months in reading fluency.


    The Education Endowment Foundation cites tutoring as one of the most effective ways to bridge attainment gaps.

    Research shows that just 30 minutes of reading a day for six weeks can have a significant impact on reading fluency. Pairing frequent reading practice with tailored tutoring support will ensure that all pupils, regardless of background, can become the confident, fluent readers they deserve to be. Read more

    From reading experts

    We have committed all our expertise into developing an evidence-based reading catch-up programme you can trust.

    Implement in as little as three weeks from sign-up

    FFT understands the pressures schools face to get pupils up to speed, as well as the strains on staff time.

    No ticking boxes

    Our catch-up programme is not just about getting pupils up-to-speed, but building the foundations they need for continued success once the sessions have ended.

    You're in control

    Select from our qualified teachers with extensive primary experience or a trusted member of staff in your school.

    Reports throughout the programme

    Detailed online reports let you monitor the real-time progress of your pupils every step of the way.

    Recently added

    New content for both KS1 and KS2, designed to effectively support pupils in developing and securing their reading skills as they progress through the programme. It includes new, engaging fiction and non-fiction texts linked to National Curriculum objectives and topics, and pupils' developing GPC knowledge.

    Find out more about the trial

    Want to find out more about joining the EEF trial for FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad? Join us at one of our free webinars.
    Reading Assessment Programme

    Also included

    Reading Assessment Programme

    FFT's Reading Assessment Programme is a simple and effective online assessment tool designed to assess pupils on their GPC accuracy, decoding accuracy and fluency levels (words correct per minute).

    Words correct per minute outcomes inform standardised scores, reading attainment levels and reading fluency ages for Year 1 to Year 6 pupils. For Reception pupils, standardised scores and reading attainment levels are provided based on decoding outcomes.

    Instantly produced reports allow schools to analyse data at whole school, class, group or individual pupil level. Informs next steps, whether through whole-class teaching or keep-up/catch-up intervention with Tutoring with the Lightning Squad.

    Learn more

    Tracking and reporting

    We provide online reports for teachers and school leaders which monitor pupils’ progress and reading attainment.

    The reports include: reading progress, reading fluency age, areas of difficulty, areas of success and an analysis of intervention sessions received.

    These informative reports will help schools to monitor the impact of the programme on pupils’ reading skills and development.

    Reading Assessment Programme report
    Tutoring with the Lightning Squad

    Used by schools nationally

    FFT's Tutoring with the Lightning Squad was an approved Tuition Partner by the National Tutoring Programme. This accreditation reflects our commitment to providing high-quality reading tutoring for primary school pupils in all regions in England.

    To find out more about how your school can benefit, join one of our upcoming webinars.


    We've answered some common questions about FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad. If your question is not answered, please get in touch.
    Tutoring with the Lightning Squad home screen

    Get started with Tutoring with the Lightning Squad today

    Fill in the form to find out more or apply to join the trial

    Alternatively you can phone us on 01446 776262 to talk about how reading catch-up could work for your school.
    About you
    About your school

    What schools are saying

    Really pleased

    We're really pleased with how the programme is going and the children are certainly enjoying their sessions.

    Cath Stubbs

    Deputy Headteacher at Queen Emma Primary School

    We are incredibly proud of their scores

    We have used Tutoring with the Lightning Squad across the school with a number of children. Two of the children using it are in Year 6 and really struggled with their reading and comprehension at the beginning of the year. Their scaled scores on pre-SATs paper were in the 80s. They have carried out Tutoring with the Lightning Squad throughout the year and we are so incredibly proud that both children got a scaled score of 99 in their SATs results! What’s even better is that they have loved carrying out the programme!

    Sophie Fielder

    Class Teacher at Thurlaston Church of England Primary School

    Engaging and responds to their needs

    The children have thoroughly enjoyed their Tutoring with the Lightning Squad intervention sessions. The platform is engaging and responds to their individual needs. Parents have appreciated the opportunity to access Tutoring with the Lightning Squad at home, telling us that their children have been excited to share what they have been doing at school.

    Jo Gunn

    Phonics Lead at Mount Nod Primary

    Children love it

    I tutor FFT's Tutoring with Lightning Squad. The power reader activity really supports the rereading opportunity to develop fluency. Children love it and it allows children to reread familiar texts adding confidence and comprehension.

    Julie Chantrey

    Tutor, Bridge Junior School

    Tutor is fantastic with the children

    It has been a real pleasure having Moira working with us and we will miss her a great deal. She is fantastic with the children and they have thoroughly enjoyed their time with her.

    Emilie Johansson

    Selwyn Primary School

    Significant impact

    The programme has proved to have had a significant impact on our most vulnerable readers so we are really pleased to be able to continue with it.

    Jo Jones

    Deputy Headteacher, Dovedale Community Primary School

    Our children have made real gains

    Children who have tried every intervention going are finally making progress and becoming 'readers'. I will certainly pass on the training.

    Claire du Toit

    Deputy Headteacher, Bellfield Junior School

    Adds confidence and comprehension

    The Power Reader activity really supports the rereading opportunity to develop fluency. Children love it and it allows children to reread familiar texts adding confidence and comprehension.

    Julie Chantrey

    Tutor, Bridge Junior School

      Our partners


      Success for All (UK) joined with FFT in September 2021. FFT is a non-profit organisation with 20 years’ experience in supporting schools with literacy and improving educational outcomes. We believe that success in life is built on a solid foundation of learning. A first critical step is to learn how to read. From our research we know that children who cannot read at the expected standard by the end of Year 2 have a much lower chance of achieving a Grade 4 or above in GCSE English. Our mission is to give all children a solid, full start to literacy and learning to read.

      Our Success for All programmes provide schools with evidence-based literacy programmes which are fully aligned to the National Curriculum and help schools to teach English from Reception to the end of Key Stage 3. Our literacy programmes have been proven to be effective in a wide range of schools, including those schools with a high proportion of disadvantaged children.

      Learn more
      Operam is an agglomeration of four highly respected teacher and school workforce recruitment organisations (Provide Education, The Education Specialists, Teachers UK and Key Stage Teacher Supply). They have 20 years’ experience of understanding what schools need and how best to support them, providing around 150,000 teaching days to schools each year.  
      Learn more