FFT Aspire for Trusts

A range of analytical tools to help you transform pupil outcomes


At FFT we are committed to helping pupils achieve their full potential and enabling schools to improve

That's why FFT Aspire provides a unique 360-degree analytics package for multi-academy trusts — a full ‘helicopter view’ of your trust and schools, from tracking performance and attendance, to robustly identifying trends and raising aspirations across your schools.


Trusted provider to


Confederation of School Trusts
FFT Aspire for Trusts subscription with full set of trust dashboards
FFT Aspire for Schools subscription for all your academies
Year-round Aspire support from our dedicated team of FFT experts

What’s in Aspire for Trusts

High aspirations with FFT Estimates

FFT Target Setting provides trusts with both aggregated and school-level estimates to support the setting of aspirational and challenging targets for your pupils and schools.

Targets can be customised with varying levels of challenge to suit the needs of your schools and their pupils. Then use FFT's year 1-13 Target Setting reports to monitor performance and identify particular schools, cohorts and groups at risk of underperformance.

MAT target setting

Analyse performance and deep dive

FFT Aspire provides a full evaluation of your trust's summative performance. Identify high and low performers across schools, subjects and pupil groups using the full range of DfE and FFT attainment, progress and curriculum entry measures.1

The trust-level Self-Evaluation dashboard comprises seven reports and benchmarks trust and school performance against national data and similar schools (currently KS2/KS4/KS51). You also have complete sets of dashboards for all your schools.

The Early Results Services guarantee you earlier data and estimates (currently KS1/KS2/KS4/KS51) easily managed at the trust or by the school. A range of Special Reports give further insights.

MAT performance analysis

Track and analyse attendance

Take your attendance tracking further with the weekly FFT comparative reports. Your trust reports3 let you easily compare attendance data from each school across the trust to their cohort or even demographic.

The fully interactive 360 primary and secondary dashboards give the complete context of attendance trends and lets you select individual or clusters of schools.

School and pupil report access for each school user is provided, giving unique comparisons with over 10,000 other schools each week.

MAT attendance tracking

Make FFT Aspire empower the trust

Manage all your FFT Aspire access with one discounted MAT subscription. Users set up for your trust and access granted to your schools. Plus, gain the ability to help your schools by managing your Aspire data centrally2 or delegating these permissions.
Trust users can easily understand attendance, attainment and progress trends across the trust. Then they can deep-dive to investigate the individual school reports.3
Your FFT Trust Partnership Manager will work with you and guide you on how how to use FFT Aspire. The technical support team complements our Knowledge Hub and the MAT Training Hub puts you in control.

More reasons to choose Aspire for Trusts


Map, track and monitor achievement

FFT's new tracking systems for trusts take your understanding of your termly and yearly assessment data to a new level. Analysis of all the assessment data3 from your schools in one place. Instantly map your curriculum, then monitor and track pupil attainment and progress across all your schools.

Primary pupil tracking2

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Secondary pupil tracking

Add-on available
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MAT pupil tracking
Reading Assessment Programme

Assess pupils’ literacy

Your schools will get access to our simple-to-use online reading assessment programme — assess, track and collate literacy performance at trust, class and pupil level.
Learn more
Also available

Literacy improvement for all ages

We offer a range of research-backed literacy programmes to help give all children a solid, full start to literacy and learning to read. To aid effective delivery in schools we include training and free CPD.
Learn more
How trusts have improved with FFT

“FFT’s unique learning pedagogy has been embedded across the whole trust. One of the biggest areas is the progression through the whole of the English curriculum.”

Learn more

Ready to get started?

To find out more about how FFT can support your trust and your academies, just get in touch with one of our dedicated Trust Partnership Managers who will be happy to help you.
Contact us today
Claire Hunt
Claire Hunt
Trust Partnership Manager
Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill
Head of Partnerships
Leanne Milburn
Leanne Milburn
Trust Partnership Manager
Elize Whitwam
Elize Whitwam
Trust Partnership Manager
Amy Murray
Amy Murray
Trust Partnership Manager
  1. Subject to change depending on national assessment processes and availability of data.
  2. Excludes trust-level Primary Tracking management.
  3. Excludes access to attendance reports showing named pupils and Primary Curriculum Tracker.