Generate pupil estimates:
Instant access

Missing estimate


A KS4 estimate for all your students, in all the subjects they take!

FFT's new estimates service provides a much more complete and comprehensive set of student context and estimates to support target setting in the subjects YOU teach.

FFT Education has once again teamed up with GL Assessment to produce estimates based on the qualifications taken in your school. We will be growing the number of GCSEs we offer in the Target Setting module, and soon adding vocational subjects for the first time as well!

Alongside this, the up-to-date attendance of each of your students will also appear alongside your estimates. Giving you the most wide-ranging set of information than ever before about your students to support your targets.

Watch how-to webinar

What’s available?

Estimates available for all year groups in all subjects

The service covers all year groups and is bespoke to the qualifications you offer.

Instant access

Once you've uploaded your CAT4 test results you'll be able to access your estimates in the grade scheme for the qualification right away. No more waiting for a window.

Improved analysis

The new estimates are based on the latest national outcomes and are now are displayed alongside year-to-date student attendance.

Next-generation analytics

Our ‘next generation’ Aspire system now allows you to switch between CAT4 and KS2 SATs data to generate estimates.

To better support you in setting targets and ensuring you can have complete data set for students missing KS2.

How it works

It’s simple

1Sign in to FFT Aspire and download a CAT4 results template
2Input your students' CAT4 scores and upload the template to Aspire
3Your FFT estimates will be available in Aspire in minutes

How to access the service

This next-generation service is completely free as part of your FFT Aspire subscription*.
If you don’t have an Aspire subscription you can find out more here.

Watch a how-to webinar

Our expert team will guide you through the service.
Download the slidesPDF

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Help & information

Free webinars and help will be available throughout the year.

We'll help you to access the service, complete the process and understand your estimates.

About CAT4 tests

CAT4 supports primary to secondary transition through the provision of retrospective Key Stage 2 indicators, 9-1 GCSE indicators and insights into students’ reasoning abilities. Together, these give a broad and accurate overview of your students.

Get more information


Contact our sales team directly by emailing or calling 01446 500919.

Email Sales


For any questions about using the Estimates Service, contact our support team directly by emailing or calling 01446 776262 (option 2).

Email Support

Discover more areas of Aspire

Estimates & targets

Review estimates, compare benchmarks, set targets


Pupil tracking

Track all your assessment data in real time

Attendance tracking

Live week-by-week attendance reporting for schools

Performance analysis

A detailed comparative analysis of results at the end of each key stage
