Transforming data, inspiring learning, improving schools

Find out how FFT Education can help you.

Teaching phonics

For schools

FFT's Aspire data analytics system works alongside our proven literacy programmes to track performance, improve teaching and boost learning.
FFT Aspire

For trusts

Trusts use FFT's powerful data tools to obtain an overall picture of performance, while academies can seamlessly track their own pupils and results.
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schools, MATs, local authorities and academy chains use Aspire


pupils using our primary literacy catch-up programme

2 million+

visits of our education data research blog


assessments completed using our Reading Assessment Programme


pupils now being taught using our DfE-approved phonics programme

23 years

of helping schools to improve with insightful data




Ways FFT helps schools

FFT Aspire analytics

FFT Aspire

Our FFT Aspire system provides schools, MATs, and local authorities with a wide range of invaluable data-analysis tools to help transform pupil outcomes.



attendance records collected last year

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Reading catch-up

FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad is the leading primary literacy catch-up programme which improves reading skills for pupils in years 1 to 6.



pupils tutored so far

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FFT Success for All Phonics

FFT Success for All Phonics is a complete systematic synthetic phonics programme that inspires a lifelong love of reading amongst children.



digital reading books

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What schools are saying

More in case studies

Easy and quick

It was easy to set up and provides excellent information, and the website is quick and visually appealing.

Heather Evans

Data Management Officer, Gillotts Secondary School

Using FFT Aspire

Improved their reading skills

We’ve been really impressed! The Shared Readers are a real success; the children are so eager to read them each week! The vocabulary has excited them and improved their reading skills.

Isabel Stewart

Foundation Lead, St John the Evangelist CofE Infant and Nursery School

Using FFT Success for All Phonics

Clarity for governors

FFT Aspire provides governors with visual, clear and easy-to-understand analysis and a way to verify self-evaluation.

John Aspin

Headteacher, Bacup Holy Trinity Stacksteads Primary School

Using FFT Aspire

Removed a lot of the stress

It was daunting to have to change the way we teach phonics, but FFT Success for All Phonics removed a lot of the stress and workload for our staff.

Lisa Loxton

Deputy Head, The Rissington School - Upper Rissington Cheltenham

Using FFT Success for All Phonics

    Start improving school outcomes today

    We’d love to hear from you. Contact us and a member of the FFT team will be in touch shortly.
