Predicting the future is great, shaping the future is better


 Aspire target setting

Works out of the box

The moment you subscribe to FFT Aspire you’ll have access to your target setting dashboards. That’s because FFT automatically links information from your school's MIS to national tests, teacher assessments and exam data from the Department for Education.

New pupils, no problem

Aspire gives you instant access to data the day a new pupil arrives at your school. Simply connect your MIS and let Aspire do the rest. Review historical data, access future estimates, identify support needs and set targets from day one.

Shaping the future

Our new next generation Target Setting module puts you in complete control. View estimates and set targets for any pupil, class, year group or subject at KS1 or KS2 on a single report using the latest daily data.

Our new Target Setting module puts you in complete control. Select an input assessment – KS1, KS2 or GL CAT4 – and get instant access to your GCSE benchmark estimates for any pupil in any year!

Target setting in Aspire is simple but powerful


Helping every pupil to reach their potential

With Aspire's next generation Target Setting engine, you can now access KS1 and KS2 subject estimates and set personalised targets for any pupil in real-time.

Get an early overview of your new Year 1 cohort, set targets for pupils moving into KS2 or better understand the potential of pupils arriving at your school in mid year - it's all a click away in Aspire's new Target Setting module.

With Aspire's next generation Target Setting engine, you can now access GCSE estimates for any student based on their KS1, KS2 or GL CAT4 tests in real-time.

Get an early overview of your new Year 7 cohort, set targets in any GCSE subject for pupils moving into KS4 or better understand the potential of pupils arriving at your school in mid year - it's all a click away in Aspire's new Target Setting module.


FFT's unique Target Setting system has 3 levels of challenge - FFT50 (Average progress), FFT 20 (High progress) or FFT5 (Very high progress). Aspire's analytics help you to find the most appropriate levels of challenge for each individual pupil.

Take a helicopter view into the future

Aspire automatically aggregates all your individual pupil targets and compares then to your overall FFT school benchmark estimates.

Headteachers and Senior Leaders

Senior Leaders, Subject leads and data managers

It's easy for Headteachers and Senior Leaders to take a quick 'helicopter view' view of their data at class, year group or whole school level in order to fully understand the full impact of the target setting process.


Take a closer look at key reports

Multiple subjects

Multiple subjects

Year groups by subject

Year groups by subject

Year group overview

Year group overview

Pupil overview

Pupil overview

    Discover more areas of Aspire

    Estimates & targets

    Review estimates, compare benchmarks, set targets


    Pupil tracking

    Track all your primary assessment data in real time

    Attendance tracking

    Live week-by-week attendance reporting for schools

    Performance analysis

    A detailed comparative analysis of results at the end of each key stage
