Generate pupil estimates:
Instant access

Missing estimate


Get your pupils off to the best start

It's essential for teachers to be able to set aspirational targets for their pupils. However, with no estimates from which to make a judgement, this important step will be missing from your school.

If you missed this summer's FFT Early Results Service, or if you have new pupils at your school, you can add their prior assessments to get new or updated estimates.

FFT estimates for Years 1 & 2

Simply sign in to Aspire and access the FFT Estimates Service. You can then enter pupils' prior early learning goals. We'll produce their KS1 estimates in Aspire target setting, and you will also be able to track those pupils in Aspire Pupil Tracking.
How it works

What’s available?

KS1 estimates

Get missing estimates for all pupils in Years 1 and 2.

Instant access

Once you've uploaded your EYFS results you'll be able to access your estimates right away. No more waiting for a window.

Improved analysis

The service uses our next-generation Aspire reporting system with even more data at your fingertips.

Next-generation analytics

With your Early Years outcomes entered in Aspire, you can access the full range of pupil, subject and school-based estimates for your Year 1 and 2 cohorts.

Use FFT’s interactive Target Setting dashboard in order to monitor progress and set aspirational targets.

How it works

It’s simple

1Sign in to Aspire's Estimates Service area
2Upload your EYFSP results file or FFT's template
3Your FFT KS1 estimates will be available in Aspire in minutes

How to access the service

This next-generation service is completely free as part of your FFT Aspire subscription*.
If you don’t have an Aspire subscription you can find out more here.

Help & information

Once signed in you'll have access to detailed, step-by-step guidance.

We'll help you to easily complete the process and understand your estimates.


Contact our sales team directly by emailing or calling 01446 500919.

Email Sales


For any questions about using the Estimates Service, contact our support team directly by emailing or calling 01446 776262 (option 2).

Email Support

Discover more areas of Aspire

Estimates & targets

Review estimates, compare benchmarks, set targets


Pupil tracking

Track all your assessment data in real time

Attendance tracking

Live week-by-week attendance reporting for schools

Performance analysis

A detailed comparative analysis of results at the end of each key stage
