with ease
Aspire Pupil Tracking for secondary schools — a seamless way to map, monitor and track student achievement.
With live benchmarking and instant analysis, you can compare your students' performance alongside the full DfE nationals and FFT estimates. Ensure your pupils are making significant progress in Key Stage 4 through the power of Aspire Pupil Tracking.
How to start using it
A complete picture of pupil progress
Real-time benchmarking
Instantly analyse performance data with comparisons to national standards and FFT estimates.
Monitor and track
Monitor the academic progress of individual pupils, pupil groups and entire cohorts with detailed FFT reports.
User-friendly interface
Enjoy an intuitive, ‘out-of-the-box’ mapped curriculum that simplifies data management and analysis.
In-depth reporting
Access a comprehensive analysis of your data with customisable filters, instantly available at your fingertips.
Start using our service now
Schools can begin utilising our beta release now! Support for Year 10 means you can assess even more of your pupils. And you can still analyse your GCSE and vocational results using the KS4 Early Results Service.
How it works
Until April 2024
Throughout the beta period, we will roll out additional reports and expand support to other year groups. The best part? It's free to Aspire schools during this period.
Key features
Mapped curriculum
Ready to use ‘out of the box’, with structured curriculum mapping for straightforward implementation.
Simple data management
Easy download and upload features streamline the process.
Instant analysis
Get immediate insights with side-by-side comparisons to DfE nationals and estimates.
Detailed metrics
Evaluate statistical significance, percentile ranks, and conduct subject teaching group analysis.
How does it work?
Map your school curriculum. FFT has done most of this for you.
Add QAN codes for all qualifications.
Download a results template.
Add results and upload them to FFT.
That's it!
Generate headline indicators and analyse your school's performance in minutes.
Try Aspire pupil tracking for secondary schools
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