Why choose FFT Success for All Phonics?
It’s complete
FFT Success for All Phonics is a complete systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) programme that nurtures a love of reading and writing.
It’s comprehensive
Aimed at nursery children upwards and pioneered by the Success for All Foundation, FFT’s second generation programme is offered on a not-for-profit basis with books and resources that bring learning to life.
It works
Schools are saying…
FFT’s ambition
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What is FFT Success for All Phonics?
Our ambition
Case studies
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Complete set of printed and online teaching resources

Reading Assessment Programme

Structured training and support

Reading catch-up programme

Decodable reading books

Resources for both school and home

A complete Phonics teaching programme
Have a look at our sample evaluation materials
Look inside the reading books
In addition to the online resources, we also provide schools with a core set of printed teaching resources as part of the subscription. Schools can purchase class sets of the decodable reading books.
What schools are saying
Children love the structure
FFT works. This scheme has had great results during the first year of using it at Mount Nod. The children love the structure of the phonics lesson.
'Say it fast' and 'Break it down' have been a big hit in my classroom.
Watching the children grow in confidence and just 'have a go' have been the highlight for me.
Vicki Chubb
Year 1 Teacher, Mount Nod
It has been extremely rewarding
Success For All phonics has breathed new life into the teaching of phonics and early reading at Mount Nod Primary. We have seen an improvement in engagement and the rate of children's progress has significantly increased.
The children are aware of what being a fluent reader is and the skills they need to become a fluent reader. It has been extremely rewarding observing pupils developing their reading skills, watching their confidence grow and hearing them enjoying reading.
Jo Gunn
Phonics Lead, Mount Nod
Gives less confident readers a way in
I really love the breadth of books — the different genres that are part of the scheme.
Our particular Year 2 class likes non-fiction more than fiction, and it really gives less confident readers a way in.
I think it’s great how the content follows seamlessly from Year 1 in terms of the challenge in the texts and the lesson structure.
Claire Scott-South
Interim Headteacher, Dringhouses Primary School
Each step is small and achievable
We have found that this scheme really engages the children through clearly planned, progressive, achievable goals that make it possible for all children to succeed.
We have seen a huge improvement in the children's confidence and fluency as they begin to see themselves as a reader. Each step in the scheme is small and achievable building on prior learning, consolidating skills and allowing the children to master reading at each stage.
All the children being able to have the same book to take home allows the teaching to build over the course of the week and clear strategies to be taught. This creates confident, enthusiastic children who are keen to share their learning at home and consolidate further with fluency practice at home.
Sophie Murray
Head of Early Years, Pyrford Primary School
Exceeded expectations
FFT Success for All Phonics has exceeded our expectations!
Children are relishing reading, enjoying every minute of their lessons and making amazing progress.
Everything a school could need is included, resources, training and parent support.
Sarah Hopkins
KS1 Assistant Headteacher, Cavendish Primary School
Removed a lot of the stress
It was daunting to have to change the way we teach phonics, but FFT Success for All Phonics removed a lot of the stress and workload for our staff.
The guides are easy to use; training is accessible, plentiful and broken into small manageable chunks; the reading resources have provided challenge for our children and the Parent Portal has been well-accessed to support learning to read at home. For those learners that find it hard to keep up, the Lightning Squad intervention is fun, engaging and progressive.
Lisa Loxton
Deputy Head, The Rissington School - Upper Rissington Cheltenham
Our children have made real gains
After using Letters and Sounds for our phonics we have found the move to Success for All Phonics a smooth transition. We were able to access training prior to starting the scheme. The programme offers a clear planning and structure that teachers and assistants are able to follow.
The resources to support the programme (both hard copies and digital versions) offer good value for money and they are easily accessible for our learners. Our children have made real gains in their reading as a result of the daily reading planning that supports Phonics and having class sets of decodable picture books has been a real asset.
Beyond Key Stage 1 children are excited to use the Tutoring with the Lightning Squad platform, it has really captured the interest of children that would otherwise find reading a challenge.
Charlotte Latter
Phonics Lead, The Discovery School, Kent
Improved their reading skills
Isabel Stewart
Foundation Lead, St John the Evangelist CofE Infant and Nursery School
What Ofsted is saying
Help to catch up and keep up
The youngest children enjoy joining in with familiar rhymes. Staff are skilled at teaching phonics. In the Reception class, children begin to learn the sounds that letters represent. This helps them when reading new and unfamiliar words.
Staff give pupils who struggle with reading the help that they need to catch up and keep up with their peers. Most pupils are confident, fluent readers by the end of Key Stage 1.
Ofsted, 2024
South Walney Infant and Nursery School
Builds reading knowledge systematically
Since the last inspection, the school has adopted a phonics scheme that allows pupils to build their reading knowledge systematically. The school ensures that staff are well trained so that they deliver the reading curriculum consistently well.
Pupils gain the knowledge they need at the right time. Staff give extra help to pupils who need it. As a result, pupils develop into fluent and confident readers.
Ofsted, 2024
Crosshall Junior School Great North Road
Well-structured lessons
Reading is given a high priority. Pupils have lots of opportunities to read throughout the school day. Pupils at the early stages of learning to read receive daily phonics teaching.
Leaders and teachers regularly check the phonics that pupils know. They use this information to match phonics teaching to pupils’ starting points, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Pupils receive additional phonics teaching if they fall behind. Leaders ensure pupils with SEND receive additional support from external experts if necessary. This includes support with speech and language. Leaders and teachers work with parents so that they know how to help with reading at home. Pupils gain secure knowledge and skills to read fluently and with confidence.
Ofsted, 2022
Gonville Academy
Genuine love of reading
All pupils get to practice their reading as they get books which match the sounds that they already know.
Pupils show a genuine love of reading. They regularly access the reading areas in their classrooms. They enjoy listening to their teachers read to them daily.
Ofsted, 2022
St James The Great RC Primary School
Decoding confidently
Leaders prioritise the teaching of early reading. They have developed the teaching of phonics to meet the needs of all pupils. Children start to learn how to read as soon as they join the Nursery. They are taught to distinguish sounds around their environment. This prepares them for learning their letter sounds when they move to the Reception Year.
Staff are trained well so that they deliver the chosen phonics programme consistently. Teachers give pupils ample opportunities to practise their phonics knowledge. Pupils read books which contain the letter sounds they already know.
Pupils learn to decode confidently and are developing fluency in reading. Teachers regularly check how well pupils are learning in phonics. They identify those who are falling behind the programme. These pupils receive effective support and are catching up quickly.
Ofsted, 2022
Westbridge Academy
Well-structured lessons
Well-structured phonics lessons help pupils to develop their phonics knowledge as they move up through the school years.
Leaders in early years promote a love of reading through the early years ‘library labs’ sessions. Leaders ensure that the weakest readers across the school get the support they need to help them to catch up quickly.
Ofsted, 2022
Turnham Academy
Pupils are inspired to write
The early reading curriculum is planned rigorously. Teachers know precisely what to teach and review each day. They ensure that pupils practise their reading regularly. Staff provide support and resources to help pupils get back on track if they fall behind.
The books that pupils read independently match the sounds they know. This helps pupils to become confident and keen readers. Older pupils like reading. They talk about their favourite books and authors. They enjoy the books that teachers read to them. Pupils are inspired to write by the stories they hear. They use what they learn in their own writing.
Children in the early years are prepared for Year 1. They learn well. Leaders prioritise reading and understanding of early number skills. Leaders ensure that children practise their new learning throughout the day so that they remember what they have learned.
Ofsted, 2022
Bures Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Enjoying phonics lessons
The school's programme to teach pupils to read is effective. Staff talk positively about their latest training provided by an external consultant.
Classroom visits to Reception and Years 1 and 2 showed pupils enjoying their phonics lessons. If pupils fall behind, staff make sensible adaptions and provide extra support for them to catch up.
Ofsted, 2022
Bodsham C of E Primary School
Structured for daily reading
Leaders prioritise reading. They have made sure that staff are trained to deliver the phonics programme confidently and effectively.
Phonics is taught every day from the very start of Reception Year. The curriculum has been structured to ensure that pupils practise reading daily.
Ofsted, 2022
Park Academy
Confident and fluent readers
Leaders have prioritised the early reading curriculum. Children begin their reading journey as soon as they join the Nursery Year.
A consistent approach to the teaching of reading in the early years helps children to become familiar with the phonics programme quickly. Well-trained staff are equipped to deliver the phonics curriculum effectively.
They ensure that books are matched appropriately to pupils' and children's phonics knowledge. As a result, pupils become confident and fluent readers by the end of key stage 1.
Ofsted, 2022
Meadowbank Primary School
Well-planned phonics programme
They have put in place a well-planned phonics programme and trained all classroom staff to deliver it. Children start to learn how to read as soon as they join the early years.
The Nursery environment exposes children to a variety of sounds. They learn to recognise and distinguish between the sounds that they hear. This prepares them well for identifying letter sounds when they begin to learn phonics.
By the time they finish Year 2, pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can read fluently.
Ofsted, 2022
St James The Great RC Primary School
Highly effective reading support
Reading is prioritised at this school. Teachers consistently follow a systematic approach to teaching phonics. Leaders have ensured that all staff have the skills to provide highly effective reading support.
As a result, pupils who struggle to read catch up quickly, including the many pupils for whom English is not their first language. Pupils develop reading fluency by reading books matched to sounds they know.
Children leave the Reception class ready for Year 1.
Ofsted, 2023
Discovery Primary
Pupils catch up quickly
Leaders ensure that all teaching staff have the training and resources that they need to be experts at teaching early reading.
Teachers in early years successfully support children to build their phonics knowledge.
Those pupils who struggle to read are helped to catch up quickly.
Ofsted, 2023
Kirkham and Wesham Primary School
Join a live webinar
Want to find out more about the FFT Phonics programme? Join us at one of our free school workshop events.
Half form entry | £750 |
1 form entry | £1450 |
2 form entry | £1950 |
3 form entry | £2350 |
Annual subscription, excl VAT
Success stories
128 digital books included in subscription
68 shared reading books
60 further reading books
Buy printed
Shared reading books | Further reading books (Reception & Year 1) | |
1 printed copy of each book | £65 | £60 |
5 printed copies of each book | £275 | £295 |
15 printed copies of each book | £700 | £800 |
30 printed copies of each book | £1375 | £1500 |
Training and support included in subscription
All training and support is provided online through the subscription.
Optional training
Online | Face to face | |
Half day (3 hours) | £385 | — |
Full day (6 hours) | £550 | £1000 |
Free webinars
Other ways to get in touch
Start using FFT Phonics
About the programme
FFT’s Success for All Phonics is a second generation phonics programme that draws upon academic research, best practice and school feedback gathered over the last 20 years.
Here’s some of our recent feedback and you can take a look at our case studies at fft.org.uk/phonics/case-studies/
“It was daunting to change the way we teach phonics, but FFT Success for All Phonics removed a lot of the stress and workload for our staff.
The guides are easy to use, the training is accessible, the reading resources have provided challenge for our children and the Parent Portal has been well accessed to support learning to read at home. For those learners that find it hard to keep up, The Tutoring with the Lightning Squad intervention is fun, engaging and progressive.”
— Lisa Loxton, Deputy Head: The Rissington School.
“We’ve been really impressed! The Shared Readers are a real success; the children are so eager to read them each week! The vocabulary has excited them and improved their reading skills.”
— Isabel Stewart, Foundation Lead: St John the Evangelist School.
Yes. As part of your subscription, you will receive access to 128 fully decodable books online, matched to the Letters and Sounds progression. You can also buy copies in print.
Our Shared Reading books have been especially written for the programme - you do not need to purchase any additional books from publishers to use Success for All Phonics. They include a wide range of genres, engaging characters and familiar contexts that children will be excited to read.
We also provide access to these via a ‘Parent Portal’ and much of this is free to view at parents.fft.org.uk. Subscribed schools also have access to a full digital library of our Shared Readers, along with read-aloud videos of each book to support home reading. To give you a flavour please find a free-to-view link of a Shared Reader being read out loud.
The decodable readers are to be used by children, in pairs, as part of the daily reading lesson. These lessons will be approximately 15 minutes long for Reception children, and will gradually rise to 30 minutes for Year 1 children. Daily lesson plans are available for use with all 128 decodable readers.
Optional printed sets of readers are available for purchase for use alongside all digital materials that are included within the subscription. Our 128 decodable readers can be purchased in bundles of one copy, 15 copies or 30 copies of each book.
Our Year 2 programme is now available as a free add-on for FFT Phonics subscribers or as a standalone programme from just £175. It includes a range of materials to support children in further developing their literacy skills.
Spelling: Spelling with the Jungle Club is an online platform that provides teachers with fun and engaging daily spelling lessons. Digital, interactive sessions are designed to motivate children and allow teachers to track progress through Year 2 National Curriculum objectives for Spelling. Rooted in evidence-based research, Spelling with the Jungle Club is a unique spelling adventure that ensures spelling sticks. Due to its success, our spelling programme has been expanded into Year 3!
Reading: Routes to Reading is a second-generation Year 2 reading programme that provides teachers with a full year's worth of planning and resources to ensure reading success. Easy to use and adaptable, children continue their reading journey from Year 1 by developing reading fluency, comprehension and vocabulary, via a wide range of specially written, engaging texts.
The full range of pupil and teaching resources for the Year 2 programme is provided digitally, free of charge, for phonics schools to print or customise as they see fit. Printed copies are available for a small fee.
Yes, we do! To support children, we have a fun daily Alphabet Chant that includes dynamic actions. You can see it at The Alphabet Chant.
Each GPC we teach includes an engaging picture and a mnemonic phrase that help the children link the grapheme to the phoneme that is being presented. You can view these on our Parent Portal at vimeo.com/showcase/9340990.
We also include helpful phrases for teaching letter formation, which you can view at parents.fft.org.uk/phonic-and-writing-phrases/
Yes, you can use other decodable books from other Reading Schemes with FFT Success for All Phonics. To support schools, we have produced a mapping document that shows when the books from some of the other popular reading schemes can also be used with FFT’s Success for All Phonics.
The reading books and schemes we have mapped to FFT Success for All Phonics are:
- Floppy’s Phonics (Oxford University Press)
- Bug Club (Pearson)
- Rising Stars Rocket Phonics (Hodder)
- Big Cat Phonics (Collins)
- Scholastic Phonics Book Bag (*)
- Little Wandle Phonics (Collins / Big Cat)
Please get in touch for a complimentary copy of this document.
Using in schools
If your school has a nursery or you have older children who need additional support, you may wish to use our First Steps to Phonics programme. This Letters & Sounds based programme is specifically designed for children who need to develop Phase 1 skills, and who need to secure initial grapheme-phoneme correspondence for Phase 2 and the early Phase 3 GPCs. Throughout the programme, children are explicitly taught a range of progressive phonics skills such as: blending, segmenting, letter recognition and formation through fun, engaging activities that use key resources, both digitally and in print.
First Steps to Phonics is included in your Phonics subscription and digital materials are available to freely download from the Phonics Portal. For schools wishing to purchase additional printed materials, these are priced at only £70 for a core set of teaching materials. Training is also included as part of our existing suite of online sessions, again included in your subscription, bookable through the Phonics Portal.
As an evidence-based programme, Success for All Phonics includes all the best practice guidance as outlined in the new Reading Framework. Opportunities for spoken language, exposure to high quality vocabulary, strong routines and high expectations for pupil engagement and our Co-operative Learning approach ensures that children are fully engaged and interact for the whole lesson.
This pedagogy along with our high-quality training and materials and resources ensure children are listening and talking with a partner in every lesson.
Our programme is ambitious and we suggest starting the pupils at the highest possible level based on their assessment results from the Reading Assessment Programme (RAP). These assessments not only highlights pupils’ GPC knowledge but also provide details on pupils’ blending, CEW knowledge, fluency and comprehension.
If a child is working above the expectations which the RAP assesses against for all skills, then consider if they need to move on to the next year group’s programme of study for word reading. If this is the case, ensure that they are provided with reading material that matches their phonics knowledge.
To support in this further, we are also releasing a Year 2 programme; please see our FAQ ‘Do you have a Year 2 programme?’
Common Exception Words (CEWs) include GPCs that are an exception to what children have been taught. CEWs are introduced systematically in Phonics lessons (starting at Step 13) and in the Shared Readers (from Step 4).
The progression includes all of the usual CEWs from L&S 2007. Children are taught to decode the GPCs they have learnt and to recognise and remember the ‘tricky’ grapheme for reading and spelling. Shared Readers will only contain a small number of newly introduced CEWs directly linked to the Scope and Sequence (view sample).
FFT Success for All Phonics provides a comprehensive set of both formative and summative phonics assessment materials, to ensure that children, teachers and school leaders know exactly which phonics skills have been mastered at each stage.
Formative assessments should happen daily to help you identify teaching points, address them quickly and provide ‘keep-up’ for pupils who need support.
In terms of summative assessment, as part of your school’s phonics subscription you have full access and training to FFT’s Reading Assessment Programme.
We provide a whole suite of training on Reading Assessment Programme; you can sign up to a live information session and find out more on the Reading Assessment Programme webpage here: https://fft.org.uk/literacy/reading-assessment-programme/
Ensuring that all children make progress and reach age-related expectations is fundamental to FFT Success for All’s mission. For a range of reasons, some children require additional support and teaching.
To support your children, we provide both formative and summative assessment resources. Please see our question on assessment here.
Once you know your pupils’ needs, you can provide ‘keep-up’ sessions using our programme, advice and training.
For pupils who need more Phase 1 or a different starting pace to catch up, you can use our First Steps to Phonics Programme, please see the FAQ on this here.
For pupils in Years 1-6, we have our popular intervention: FFT’s Tutoring with the Lightning Squad. Please see https://fft.org.uk/tutoring/ for details of how this can support your pupils to catch up.
All of these resources, and full training for them, are included in your FFT Success for All’s Phonics subscription.
Yes, older pupils will benefit from the programme. The decodable readers have been designed to ensure that older pupils do not feel that they are reading material for younger pupils. As your subscription includes FFT Tutoring with Lightning Squad, a game based interactive online platform, you have a wide range of resources to support older pupils who still require phonic and reading support.
FFT's range of literacy products now includes Reading Quest, a programme specifically designed for older pupils with age-appropriate resources.
Phase 6 / Year 2 Word Recognition is supported by the final stages of the Success for All Phonics programme and its application to the reading of parallel decodable texts and real books. They will also be applying the principles of spelling to their own writing at this point.
In this phase, children will have already learned the most common GPCs and a substantial number of alternative spellings for the same sounds. As they near the end of the programme, children will have an opportunity to read a short text extract, identify/compare words containing a variety of the focus GPCs and compare and apply spellings through word games and other activities. Please see the sample materials for further information.
You will notice that our Scope and Sequence (view sample) includes content from the National Curriculum for word reading up to the end of KS1.
Staff & parent support
As part of your subscription, we provide a structured online training programme for teachers, teaching assistants and school leaders that can be accessed both live and on-demand. These sessions will include a session for phonics/early reading leaders on how to set up the programme, organise training and answer other key questions to ensure you get off to the best start.
In addition to the training offer outlined in our marketing materials and on our website, we will also provide a full suite of on-demand training videos that include in-class footage showing the programme in action.
All the training and support provided to schools for Success for All Phonics can be accessed on-demand, online, or face to face (at an additional cost).
We provide a comprehensive menu of ongoing training and support detailed on our Phonics Portal along with regular events that are open to any schools: fft.org.uk/training-events/improve-literacy-teaching.
Staff can access answers to common questions at any time of the day via our comprehensive Knowledge Centre, which can be freely accessed at https://support.fft.org.uk/knowledgecentre/s/.
All schools that subscribe to FFT Success for All Phonics have access to a growing range of materials to support phonics and reading at home via our online Parent Portal.
Much of this is free to view at parents.fft.org.uk but subscribed schools also have access to a full digital library of our Shared Readers, along with read-aloud videos of each book to support home reading.
Our FAQ about catch up hopefully provides the detail you need.
It is really important that you consider what your pupils’ skill gaps are and what support they need to ensure they are staying on track through providing support as outlined in the FAQ on this topic.
For children who cannot distinguish individual phonemes, the teaching of reading through a systematic synthetic phonics programme in Reception should not be delayed and this will typically develop as a result of daily phonics teaching.
In addition to the training offer outlined in our marketing materials and on our website, we will also provide a full suite of on-demand training videos that include in-class footage showing the programme in action.
As our Phonics subscription includes our tutoring programme, you can also access a full day’s training, free of charge, for any staff using the programme.
We also provide regular ongoing CPD for schools that are detailed on our Phonics Portal along with regular CPD events that are open to any school. You can find more details at fft.org.uk/training-events/improve-literacy-teaching
FFT’s Success for All Phonics is a second generation phonics programme that draws upon academic research, best practice and school feedback gathered over the last 20 years.
Here’s some of our recent feedback and you can take a look at our case studies at fft.org.uk/phonics/phonics-case-studies/
“It was daunting to change the way we teach phonics, but FFT Success for All Phonics removed a lot of the stress and workload for our staff.
The guides are easy to use, the training is accessible, the reading resources have provided challenge for our children and the Parent Portal has been well accessed to support learning to read at home. For those learners that find it hard to keep up, The Tutoring with the Lightning Squad intervention is fun, engaging and progressive.”
— Lisa Loxton, Deputy Head: The Rissington School.
“We’ve been really impressed! The Shared Readers are a real success; the children are so eager to read them each week! The vocabulary has excited them and improved their reading skills.”
— Isabel Stewart, Foundation Lead: St John the Evangelist School.
Yes. As part of your subscription, you will receive access to 68 fully decodable books online, matched to the Letters and Sounds progression. You can also buy copies in print.
Our Shared Reading books have been especially written for the programme - you do not need to purchase any additional books from publishers to use Success for All Phonics. They include a wide range of genres, engaging characters and familiar contexts that children will be excited to read.
We also provide access to these via a ‘Parent Portal’ and much of this is free to view at parents.fft.org.uk. Subscribed schools also have access to a full digital library of our Shared Readers, along with read-aloud videos of each book to support home reading. To give you a flavour please find a free-to-view link of a Shared Reader being read out loud.
You can use the decodable readers as part of a daily reading lesson that is initially around 15 minutes long for Reception children and rises to 30 minutes when they are ready. Year 1 session are 30 minutes long. Daily lesson planning for these sessions is available to use for all of the 68 readers.
How many you need of the print books is up to you, as you have access to all of the materials as part of your subscription. You can also purchase 15 copies of each book (1,020 books) for £400 or 30 copies of each (2,040 books) for £750.
Yes, we do! To support children, we have a fun daily Alphabet Chant that includes dynamic actions. You can see it at The Alphabet Chant.
Each GPC we teach includes an engaging picture and a mnemonic phrase that help the children link the grapheme to the phoneme that is being presented. You can view these on our Parent Portal at vimeo.com/showcase/9340990.
We also include helpful phrases for teaching letter formation, which you can view at parents.fft.org.uk/phonic-and-writing-phrases/
Your FFT Success for All Phonics subscription includes complimentary access to our comprehensive Reading Assessment Programme – an online platform that assesses children’s phonics skills, decoding, reading fluency and comprehension to ensure that children, teachers and school leaders know exactly which reading skills have been mastered at each stage.
Instantaneously, at the click of a button, schools can assess pupils and view online reports, making it easy to monitor and track children’s reading attainment so that teaching can be targeted to close any gaps. You can find details of this new innovative programme here: fft.org.uk/reading-assessment-programme/
As an evidence-based programme, Success for All Phonics includes all the best practice guidance as outlined in the new Reading Framework. Opportunities for spoken language, exposure to high quality vocabulary, strong routines and high expectations for pupil engagement and our Co-operative Learning approach ensures that children are fully engaged and interact for the whole lesson.
This pedagogy along with our high-quality training and materials and resources ensure children are listening and talking with a partner in every lesson.
If your school has a nursery or you have older children who need additional support, you may wish to use our First Steps to Phonics programme. This Letters & Sounds based programme is specifically designed for children who need to develop Phase 1 skills, and who need to secure initial grapheme-phoneme correspondence for Phase 2 and the early Phase 3 GPCs. Throughout the programme children are explicitly taught a range of progressive phonics skills such as blending, segmenting, letter recognition and formation through fun, engaging activities that use key resources both digitally and in print.
First Steps to Phonics will be available from September 2022 as a free add-on for existing or new Phonics subscriptions. Digital materials will be available to download from the Phonics Portal. Schools wishing to purchase additional printed materials will need pay in the region of £50-£100 for a core set of teaching materials. Training for this programme will be available as part of our existing suite of complimentary online sessions.
Year 2 is currently supported by our comprehensive Phonics programme that covers Phase 6 of Letters and Sounds. We also have a wide range of challenging Shared Readers that go beyond the requirements for the Year 1 Phonics Screening. Please see our FAQ on Phase 6 / Year 2 Word Recognition, website information on FFT’s Reading Assessment Programme and Tutoring with the Lightning Squad as they all support Y2 children.
To further support Year 2, we are developing a programme that will be designed for children who have successfully completed Phonics. This programme will include a further set of reading materials, lesson plans and supporting resources to teach children the necessary skills in reading comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. The programme will be mapped to the Y2 curriculum requirements and will include fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
This will be launched in 2023 as a free add-on to existing Phonics subscribers. Training will be available as part of our existing suite of complimentary online sessions. Full details of the programme, along with costings for printed materials will be available in September 2022.
Common Exception Words (CEWs) include GPCs that are an exception to what children have been taught. CEWs are introduced systematically in Phonics lessons (starting at Step 13) and in the Shared Readers (from Step 4).
The progression includes all of the usual CEWs from L&S 2007. Children are taught to decode the GPCs they have learnt and to recognise and remember the ‘tricky’ grapheme for reading and spelling. Shared Readers will only contain a small number of newly introduced CEWs directly linked to the Scope and Sequence (view sample).
Phase 6 / Year 2 Word Recognition is supported by the final stages of the Success for All Phonics programme and its application to the reading of parallel decodable texts and real books. They will also be applying the principles of spelling to their own writing at this point.
In this phase, children will have already learned the most common GPCs and a substantial number of alternative spellings for the same sounds. As they near the end of the programme, children will have an opportunity to read a short text extract, identify/compare words containing a variety of the focus GPCs and compare and apply spellings through word games and other activities. Please see the sample materials for further information.
You will notice that our Scope and Sequence (view sample) includes content from the National Curriculum for word reading up to the end of KS1.
As part of your subscription, we provide a structured online training programme for teachers, teaching assistants and school leaders that can be accessed both live and on-demand. These sessions will include a session for phonics/early reading leaders on how to set up the programme, organise training and answer other key questions to ensure you get off to the best start.
In addition to the training offer outlined in our marketing materials and on our website, we will also provide a full suite of on-demand training videos that include in-class footage showing the programme in action.
All the training and support provided to schools for Success for All Phonics can be accessed on-demand, online, or face to face (at an additional cost).
We provide a comprehensive menu of ongoing training and support detailed on our Phonics Portal along with regular events that are open to any schools: fft.org.uk/training-events/improve-literacy-teaching
Ensuring that the all children make progress and reach age-related expectations is fundamental to Success for All’s mission. For a range of reasons, some children require additional catch-up support and teaching. Included in the programme of support and training we will support you to provide appropriate interventions for your pupils.
Included in your subscription is access to our highly effective reading tutoring programme FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad along with training for staff to support you to use it. Please see details of this here: https://fft.org.uk/tutoring/
FFT Success for All Phonics provides a comprehensive set of both formative and summative phonics assessment materials, to ensure that children, teachers and school leaders know exactly which phonics skills have been mastered at each stage.
All children are assessed regularly using the assessments provided with FFT Success for All Phonics so that teaching can be targeted to close any gaps in their phonic knowledge or skills. These assessments will be available as an online programme, to check children’s phonics skills, decoding, reading fluency and comprehension.
This new innovative programme, linked to the tutoring programme, will enable you to view online reports to monitor and track children’s reading attainment and reading skills.
All schools that subscribe to FFT Success for All Phonics have access to a growing range of materials to support phonics and reading at home via our online Parent Portal.
Much of this is free to view at parents.fft.org.uk but subscribed schools also have access to a full digital library of our Shared Readers, along with read-aloud videos of each book to support home reading.
In addition to the training offer outlined in our marketing materials and on our website, we will also provide a full suite of on-demand training videos that include in-class footage showing the programme in action.
As our Phonics subscription includes our tutoring programme, you can also access a full day’s training, free of charge, for any staff using the programme.
We also provide regular ongoing CPD for schools that are detailed on our Phonics Portal along with regular CPD events that are open to any school. You can find more details at fft.org.uk/training-events/improve-literacy-teaching