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Why did Tanfield Lea Primary School choose FFT Success for All Phonics?
Tanfield Lea identified that their previous phonics provision was not consistently implemented across the school. This meant that some pupils did not learn and practise sounds consistently.
They decided to use a validated phonics scheme and liked the consistency Success for All Phonics offered. Staff at the school also liked the teacher guidance and online training platform as well as the attractive, affordable resources.

Mrs Geach
Reception Teacher
We have embedded Success for All Phonics within the school and really like the scheme. As an experienced team we have become passionate about our delivery. We know how it works for our children and parents.
From Pre-School and upwards, we particularly like the consistency between classes and have seen the benefits throughout the school in reading, writing and spelling. Internal monitoring has been positive - phonics consistency was an area we were asked to explore in our last Ofsted and we feel this is something we now do very well.
Parents are also seeing the impact at home. We send home our shared reading books and we often receive comments on the progress that their children are making at home.
Implementing the programme

Staff were very enthusiastic to embed the scheme throughout school. Leaders set aside several staff meetings for staff to do the initial live training. Staff who joined the school have been able to access the recorded versions of these sessions with ease. Staff regularly benefit from accessing some of the frequent training webinars.
The school leads sessions for parents so that they know what their children are learning in school and how they can support them at home. Parents are also given this information in their child’s personal organiser, so that information can be accessed at any time. They also continue to meet regularly as a staff to discuss how things are going and to discuss next steps.

screening check
Reading progress made
- Year 1 Phonics Screening Check 2022: 85%
- Year 1 Phonics Screening Check 2023: 87% (these children did not access the Reception year of the program)