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Why did Hawes Side Academy choose FFT Success for All Phonics?

As a pre-existing Success for All user from 2019 the school had already seen the positive impact the original Success for All programme had on children across all key stages at Hawes Side Academy.

It was excited to implement the new FFT Success for All Phonics programme when it was validated, to continue its journey with FFT.

We can all see the positive impact

Laura Garratt

Year 1 teacher

The high-quality resources and planning documents provided with the programme have made it easy to adapt to and implement consistently across Foundation Stage and Key Stage One. The children respond positively to the structure of each session, and we can all see the positive impact it is having for the children at Hawes Side Academy.

Implementing the programme


Hawes Side Academy introduced FFT Success for All Phonics in their Foundation Stage in February 2021. Foundation Stage teachers and nursery nurses attended online training sessions for phonics and shared reader lessons, supported by the Phonics and Early Reading lead. They began using FFT's Reading Assessment Programme in the summer term to assess and group children for targeted phonics support.

Phonics remained a priority, and in September 2022, the Success for All Phonics programme expanded to Foundation Stage and Key Stage One. All Key Stage One staff completed online training, and training videos from the phonics portal are regularly used to refresh and maintain programme fidelity. Classrooms display programme visuals, and consistent phonics teaching is monitored, leading to good progress. Half-termly assessments help plan 'keep up' sessions.

In September 2023, Year 2 introduced Spelling with the Jungle Club and Routes to Reading, both well-received by children and staff, with noticeable fluency improvements after one term.


2023 Year 1 screening check, up from 72%

Reading progress made

  • First year of phonics: Year 1 Phonics Screening Check, June 2022 - 72%
  • Second year of phonics (18 months into the programme): Year 1 Phonics Screening Check, June 2023 - 87%
  • Third year of using the programme: Year 1 Phonics Screening Check June 2024 – 85%

Spotlight on pupil progress

Child A began following the FFT Success for All Phonics programme in Foundation Stage when the school became early adopters in February 2022. They were assessed using the Reading Assessment programme as working well below the expected standard, still not secure in recognising some initial sounds. Child A made rapid progress following the FFT Success for All Phonics programme after being placed in a group relevant to their stage of development.

By December 2022, Child A was assessed by the Reading Assessment programme as working at the expected standard and their fluency continued to improve rapidly. They are now a confident Year 2 reader.

I enjoyed my phonics lessons in Year 1 and they helped me to learn read. I can read the superhero books now I am in Year 2.

Year 2 pupil

Why is Hawes Side Academy pleased with FFT Success for All Phonics?

Laura Garratt, Year 1 teacher, highlights the benefits seen since using the phonics programme:

FFT Success for All Phonics has resulted in our children making great progress from their starting points and we were delighted to achieve 87% of our Year 1 cohort passing the phonics screening check in June 2023.
All the staff implementing the programme have commented on the positive impact the programme is having on all our children and have particularly noticed the great improvement in fluency, especially for our current Year 1 cohort who have been following the programme from September 2022.
We believe this has provided firm foundations for our children to read with sufficient fluency and accuracy to support their developing comprehension.

Find out more

We're happy to answer questions you have about FFT Phonics.