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Why did Cononley Community Primary School choose FFT Success for All Phonics?

Cononley Community Primary School, situated in north Yorkshire, have been using FFT Success for All Phonics since September 2022. The school were keen to find a programme that ensured all their children were on target with their foundations in phonics, reading and handwriting. Cononley has been using the FFT Co-operative Learning Approach for many years and, because Co-operative Learning is an essential component of the Success for All Phonics programme, they believe taking on the phonics programme would be perfect for their learners.

The school also valued the fact that the Success for All Phonics programme provided a structured and systematic approach to teaching phonics, ensuring that all children received consistent and effective instruction. Additionally, they were impressed with the variety of resources and activities available within the programme, which catered to different learning styles and attainments, further supporting their pupils' progress.

Gives us a clear indication of how they are progressing and where they need support.

Catherine Pickles


Cononley Primary School has been using FFT Success for All Phonics since September 2022. It is a well-structured programme; the planning and resources are easy to use and the children engage well. We would be happy for other schools to watch the programme being used at Cononley. Parental engagement has been good and children have made good progress with phonics, reading and handwriting. The programme enables us to meet the needs of all children.

Tutoring with the Lightning Squad is working well throughout school and has had a big impact on our weakest readers.

Handwriting has improved beyond recognition; it has been a focus this year and pupils and staff have enjoyed the using the mnemonics. Since introducing the programme, the links between reading and writing are much clearer and children demonstrate greater confidence in both.

The Reading Assessment Programme (RAP) allows us to assess the children on a regular basis and gives us a clear indication of how the children are progressing and where they need support. It has been a fantastic tool to support assessment’.

All children are now ready for Year 1 - the foundations in phonics, reading and handwriting are secure and embedded.

Implementing the programme

Parental engagement has been good, and children have made great progress. This has led to increased confidence in reading and a greater enjoyment of literacy activities among the pupils. Teachers have noticed a decrease in reading difficulties and an improvement in overall reading comprehension skills.

pass rate


improved beyond recognition

Reading progress made

First round of phonics, September 2022
  • Children have made good progress with phonics, reading; handwriting improved beyond recognition.
  • 91% (19/21) of children passed the phonics screening check in June 2023.
  • Since introducing the programme, the links between reading and writing are much clearer and children demonstrate greater confidence in both.
Second round of phonics
  • All children are now ready for Year 1 - the foundations in phonics, reading and handwriting are secure and embedded.
  • Children in Year 1 are showing good progress.

Spotlight on pupil progress

Child A is a bubbly, friendly and sensitive child. They have very high expectations of themselves and want to be good at everything. This can impact self-esteem, so the better they get at something, the more confident at it they become. Child A is taking part in our daily Spelling with the Jungle Club and Routes to Reading (adult support for their group in Routes to Reading). Child A started on Tutoring with the Lightning Squad in October 2023.
I was nervous when I started phonics and reading at school but I learnt to read and write. Now I like spelling words and I like reading. My favourite book is a really big thick book, called The Pink Polar Bear.

Child A

Child A's confidence has grown and they now enjoy reading. Tutoring with the Lightning Squad has had a positive impact on Child A's progress. They love talking about books.

Class teacher

Why is Cononley Community Primary School pleased with FFT Success for All Phonics?

Increased levels of confidence in reading and writing
Increase in reading fluency
Improved spelling skills
Enhanced oral communication abilities
Enhanced love of reading and writing in the classroom
Positive learning environment where pupils actively engage with phonics activities and support each other's learning

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