Next-generation Aspire
for primary schools
for secondary schools
Faster data at your fingertips

School data
Same-day estimates
Performance analysis
Target setting
All your analytics data in one place
Next-generation Aspire is the system that brings together all your school's key data into one place. With a direct link to your school MIS, Aspire provides a dynamic view of your school and pupils based on updated estimates and live integration. That means no more waiting for data as we refresh Aspire every night — if anything changes in your MIS it will be available in Aspire the next day.
Putting pupils first
We understand that past performance and future estimates aren't the whole story. Behind the figures are the children you teach, which is why we've developed the platform to be focused on pupils in the classroom. Better understanding leads to better outcomes - that's why when you log in you'll now have access to more comprehensive data than ever:
Our new Target Setting module puts you in complete control. View KS1/KS2 estimates and set targets for any pupil, class, year group or subject on a single report using the latest daily data.
Automatic updates to your class and pupil data — if anything changes in your MIS it will be available in Aspire the very next day.

What's included
5 systems in 1
3 systems in 1
Performance analysis
Evaluate your KS1 and KS2 performance over time using our easy-to-understand interactive dashboards.
Target setting
Pupil tracking
Track and monitor all your KS1 and KS2 assessments using our easy-to-understand interactive dashboards.
Attendance tracking
Reading assessment
Assess and track your children's reading skills online with FFT's innovative Reading Assessment Programme. Identify specific learning needs and interventions.
Gateway to literacy
- Phonics
- Tutoring
Supported by experts
- Free dedicated help and support
- Free and paid-for training options
Backed by research
- FFT Education Datalab
- Regular special reports
Catch up on our launch event