FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad
Data impact report
Measuring the benefits for pupils
Discover the key findings

Using data collected from its reading tutoring programme (Tutoring with the Lightning Squad reading), FFT Education has analysed data from nearly 20,000 pupils who took part in the programme during the 2021-22 academic year.
The outcomes of the study, the potential benefits for pupils across a range of reading measures and the lessons to learn can be found in our comprehensive data report.
Read on for all the key findings, then download a free copy of the report at the bottom of the page.
Students tutored
Using the Tutoring with the Lightning Squad during the academic year 2021-2022
83% faster
progress in decoding
1.83x the expected progress
in Reading development
9 words or more improvement
in Words correct per minute
3x the expected rate of improvement
after 20 or more tutoring sessions
What is FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad?
Tutoring with the Lightning Squad (TWL) is the FFT Success for All early reading tutoring programme where pupils work in small groups or individually with a tutor to improve their reading skills. The tutoring is a blended approach with face-to-face tutoring supported by an online tutoring platform.
The tutoring activities are designed and structured to improve reading skills, fluency, comprehension, spelling and phonics. Pupils work through especially written, engaging and illustrated stories.

Watch our webinar, 'Catch-up Tutoring – Does it make a difference?', to learn more.
9 words or more improvement in WCPM
3x the expected rate of improvement
9,965 pupils completed at least 20 more sessions of tutoring after the first tutor check. Most of these pupils made 9 words or more improvement in their WCPM after 20 sessions of tutoring - 3x the expected rate of improvement.

Sustained improvement
3x the expected rate of improvement
2,383 pupils completed 30 or more sessions of tutoring after the first tutor check. Most of these pupils made 13 words correct per minute or more improvement after 30 sessions of tutoring - 3x the expected rate of improvement.
Almost twice the rate of improvement
83% faster progress in decoding
12,400 pupils completed at least 20 sessions of tutoring. Most of these children that needed to catch up with phonics showed at least 1.83 x the expected progress in reading development that a younger child would make during first teaching.

All pupil groups make accelerated progress

It's time to read the full report
If you’ve made it this far then you’ll want to understand the bigger picture. Download the full report - ‘FFT Tutoring Data Impact Report: 2021 - 2022’.
We hope that you find the report as fascinating as we do. More importantly, we hope that you will use the report to think about how FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad can improve reading skills, fluency, comprehension, spelling and phonics in your own school and how it can have a positive impact on pupils, parents and teachers.
Get in touch
If you’d like to know more about this report or any of the other work we do then please do get in touch.
Find out more

Find out more about Tutoring with the Lightning Squad.

Find out more about Tutoring with the Fischer Family Foundation.