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Why did St Wilfrid's Primary School choose FFT Success for All Phonics?

St Wilfrid's CE Primary School is a one-and-a-half form entry school, situated in Manchester. They chose FFT Success for All Phonics because they believe in a high standard of teaching and learning in Phonics. Reading and Phonics is prioritised at St Wilfrid’s and they engaged in much research prior to selecting their programme.

They were particularly impressed with the rigorous approach to reading through the daily shared reader sessions and they felt the books were high-quality and engaging for all. The training programme was thorough for all staff and both the school Phonics and Reading Leads felt they benefited from the additional leadership training which was included.

Our standard in phonics has gone from strength to strength

Sadie Gordon

EYFS, KS1 and Early Reading Lead

From implementing FFT Success for All Phonics in January 2022, we believe our standard of teaching and learning in phonics has gone from strength to strength. Most recently, with our disapplied children (3/45) omitted, we reached a 91% pass rate in phonics, with disapplied children 84%. This is the highest our phonics attainment has reached since the check was brought in.

Most recently, myself and the Reading Lead have been supporting other schools in our MAT with their delivery of phonics and how we tailor our teaching across the curriculum to ensure the children can utilise the skills and knowledge they have learnt in their explicit phonics teaching.

Implementing the programme

The school found implementation was seamless and were supported by the team at FFT. When a query did arise, the school found that FFT's team dealt with this efficiently and effectively. St Wilfrid’s found FFT Success for All Phonics to be well organised and all staff felt competent after the training; meaning a positive transition from Letters and Sounds.

Phonics pass rate


including disapplied

Reading progress made

St Wilfrid's is delighted with its Year 1 Phonics Screening Check results at 91%, this is significantly higher than the national average. Since implementing the SSP back in 2021, the school has noticed a gradual rise each year. Their progress is not just measurable in the school's Phonics Screening Results however, teachers have seen improvements throughout the whole of their English curriculum, particularly with the application of phonics into writing.

Spotlight on pupil progress

All children in Year 2 who most recently re-sat the Phonics Screening Check have now passed by the end of KS1 and all learners across the school have significantly progressed with their fluency within reading.

Why is St Wilfrid's Primary School pleased with FFT Success for All Phonics?

Sadie Gordon, EYFS, KS1 and Early Reading Lead, highlights the benefits seen since using the phonics programme:

We are extremely happy with the progress the children are making from the beginning of the programme in Nursery, through to FFT's Year 2 Spelling and Reading Package.
The children love the routine and fidelity to the programme. They enjoy learning to read through the structure and, from the earliest point, they know and enjoy the routine.
For those children who are not in line with age related expectations, FFT's Reading Assessment Programme highlights the children which would benefit from the FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad intervention. The three products work seamlessly together to ensure maximum progress for all children.

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We're happy to answer questions you have about FFT Phonics.