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Why did Kirkham and Wesham Primary School choose FFT Success for All Phonics?

Preston is home to Kirkham and Wesham Primary School, who have been using our FFT Success for all Phonics programme since April 2022. The school was particularly impressed with the results of the phonics programme at headteacher Lee Glynn's previous school, as it had significantly improved reading and writing skills among their pupils.

The FFT Success for All Phonics programme aligned with the school's objectives for fostering comprehensive development among its pupils and offered a structured and systematic approach to teaching phonics, which appealed to the school's commitment to providing high-quality education.

The approach was strongly praised in the recent Ofsted inspection

Lee Glynn


Having been involved with FFT and Success for All, before it, as a senior leader in my previous school, I saw the huge benefit it brough the children of the schools that used it. I brought the approach to my new school and as school we have contributed to the development and supported the aims of FFT Success for all Phonics from the get-go and continue to do so.

We have implemented the programme with great fidelity and the approach was strongly praised in the recent Ofsted inspection. We have welcomed numerous visitors, to see the programme in action, who have all commented positively on the approach, our implementation and the outcomes produced.

Implementing the programme


From the offset the teachers have found that the phonics programme has greatly enhanced their ability to effectively teach phonics to pupils of all abilities. The resources on the phonics portal are easily accessed and very supportive.

We have noticed an improvement in reading speed and fluency. Staff feel confident in the resources, approach, and easy-to-follow plans that have reduced teacher workload.


WCPM score



Reading progress made

For the first round of phonics the programme was only in our reception class who had about twelve weeks of the program. The signs were very promising with the children's keenness to read. Results compared very favourably with the national EYFS reading scores.

Spotlight on pupil progress

Fluency has seen a big improvement as shown by the data on the Reading Assessment Programme. When comparing reading fluency of Year 1s at the end of the autumn term, last year we had a WCPM of 22 (the cohort started SfA phonics in summer 2022) however the present cohort has a WCPM of 37 after a full year of Success for All Phonics
It is fun when my friend reads to me, he makes funny voices.

Year 1 pupil

This is a boy eligible for pupil premium who needs lots of support to access the majority of learning in school and is often reluctant to engage. Having this positive approach towards reading is slowly breaking down these barriers and we are seeing better outcomes across the curriculum, both socially and academically. They also take part in TWL and the format of ‘low stakes’ partner reading is a huge reason for its success the child has made 4 months of progress in just 13 sessions. They are well on track to meet the phonics check, a statement that I was not confident in making when the academic year started. In this first term we have seen so much progress and FFT Success for all Phonics is a huge reason for this in our opinion.
Phonics helps me to read and write.

Year 1 pupil

I am good at reading.

Reception child

Teachers share how the resources allow success and this success is visible and feels real to the child. This in turn drives the achievement. It is a positive cycle of improvement.

Why is Kirkham and Wesham Primary School pleased with FFT Success for All Phonics?

Lee Glynn, Headteacher, highlights the benefits seen since using the phonics programme:

Increased level of staff confidence and workload reduction.
Accessible and effective training materials.
Responsive development team, regular updates and improvements.
Cost effective when compared to other SSPs.
Increased levels of pupil confidence in reading and writing.
Improved spelling skills — the introduction of Spelling with the Jungle Club is really helping this.
Improving oral communication abilities.
The programme has also fostered a positive learning environment where pupils actively engage with phonics activities and support each other's learning.
Collaborative skills introduced in the phonics session are increasingly being used to successfully support learning in other areas.

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